Credit card scams are at an all-time high, weird names with strange locations in descriptions are making cardholders wonder about their spending and the genuineness of the charges.
One such charge taking the lead is Themarbellas com, which has been observed by various cardholders in the States and almost all of them have no clue about this. However, scams are not always the case, sometimes the clarification of the charges also clears many misconceptions.
When you see any such strange name mentioned on your credit card bill, your heart will definitely sink for a second or two, with the thought that your credit card is compromised. We often tend to forget many small and random spends and we hardly remember the names of the stores online/offline we visit and shop from. Later, while glancing at bills we get confused with many such names and locations.
Worry not, I will help you ascertain the legitimacy of the charges and how they are showing on your credit card. There is a possibility of them turning out to be true and at the same time there are chances of them being false and unauthorized, this guide will explain both scenarios and then you can verify easily and take the necessary measures.
What Are Themarbellas Com Charge On Your Credit Card?
Charges on your credit card reading as Themarbellas com relate to purchases made from Themarbellas. It’s a Boutique with a presence online and offline as a retail store.
You, after buying items such as clothing, accessories, or other fashion-related products from their website, have forgotten but the transaction will show on your credit card bill with a similar name, which reflects the domain used for their e-commerce platform.
“” is also a website, which doesn’t either open or after some time say “Coming Soon”. Our research team while trying to dig deep found that this website, apart from its name, doesn’t share anything with Themarbellas Boutique and the boutique website is named “shopthemarbella”.
This implies that these charges on your credit card bill could also be an indication of a potential fraud, and they have just made a dummy website to make you go in rounds and to disguise or pose as a legitimate business. Themarbellas com charges might appear if you have unknowingly visited this fake site specifically designed to capture credit card information under the guise of selling products or services.
What Does Themarbellas Com Charge on Credit Cards Indicate?
- Themarbellas charges most probably relate to a women’s clothing boutique which is located in Torrance, California. Below are some of the products and services mentioned you might relate to; They focus on trendy and fashionable styles and offer a variety of clothing items, based on their website which include;
- Dresses
- Jumpsuits
- Sets (possibly outfits combining tops and bottoms)
- Other clothing items (details not readily available)
- I am afraid of Themarbellas com which also relates to a probably fake website that currently exists in a bit of an unknown area. Understand what we find regarding them;
- The website either keeps on scrolling or displays a “Coming Soon” message, which creates suspicion and we dug up.
- There’s no clear information available about what the website will be for. You must know that fraudsters often create such links or websites with convincing domain names and professional UI and layouts to trick customers into entering their payment details.
Uncovering The Possibilities For Themarbellas Com Charges
Below I have mentioned some of the possible reasons that could be responsible for the Themarbellas Com charges appearing on your credit card bill, read them and understand if any among them relates to you;
- The first possibility is that you might have recently visited a Themarbellas store online, attracted by its stylish and unique offerings. The amazing boutique sells a variety of women’s fashion items. You bought some clothing and accessories you liked and decided to make a purchase with secure payment options from your credit card. After your credit card bill arrives you notice a charge from Themarbellas on your credit card statement. If the amount matches exactly with the total of your purchase and you are sure about making the transaction, the charge won’t surprise you.
- Now, another reported scenario is where many people receive an email or see an online ad from some fashionable boutique named which claims to offer exclusive discounts. You click on the link and the website appears convincing, mimicking the UI, layout, and feel of a legitimate retail site. After browsing the site, you selected a few items and proceeded to checkout, and were prompted to enter your credit card details to complete the purchase. But this was a scam as website is fake and holds nothing. The amount mentioned in the description of the charge might be small to avoid immediate suspicion, but you don’t recall making any recent purchases from a site by this name.
- One more and frequently reported possibility is that unauthorized transactions are made to your credit card that you didn’t authorize or approve. Such charges can happen in many different ways, understand some of the common methods below;
Types of Unauthorized Transactions:
- Card Theft: If your credit card has been physically stolen, someone can use it to make purchases without your knowledge.
- Card Information Breach: The dark web and its hackers can also obtain your card information (card number, expiration date, CVV) through breaches of online stores, point-of-sale systems, or malware on your device. They will further use this information to make online purchases.
- Phishing Scams: Deceptive marketing emails or phone calls might trick you into revealing your card information or logging into fake websites that steal your details.
- Shoulder Surfing: While you are entering your card details at an ATM or store someone might observe you and use that information later.
How Does Themarbellas Com Charge Appear On Credit Card Statements?
I have reached out to various other people who have seen charges on their credit card and have contacted the boutique and enquired about their payment processions. Below are some other descriptions like Themarbellas com charges, however, descriptions are not always the same, even if they are some merchant, location, or by the same procedure of transaction.
- THEMARBELLAS_COM_FEE POS $6.99 _****2437
Always keep on checking your card activity and avoid giving access to multiple people to your credit card as they tend to use it from different devices which can be quite dangerous. You can also opt for virtual credit cards which greatly reduces the chances of card details theft, hence lowering the chances of unauthorized transactions on your credit card. Never click on any link that you receive over the text message or emails, they are most of the time malicious. For any information regarding your finances and accounts, you must only reach the bank or the credit card issuer involved.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Do I Keep Getting Random Charges On My Credit Card?
Most of the time the unauthorized charges result from credit card theft, either from a stolen credit card or a compromised card number. Sometimes, unauthorized charges also result from clerical errors or computer glitches.
Can I Dispute A Charge If I Got Scammed?
You can dispute charges on your credit card that are either because of billing errors or fraudulent charges.
Can I Block A Company From Charging My Credit Card?
Yes, you can definitely block a company from charging your credit card. You can do this easily by contacting your bank and either revoking authorization for the payment or requesting a stop payment order.
Also Read – What is Fliff Inc Charge On Credit Card